
Andreas Tscheppe

No other Styrian winemaker is as much in demand as Andreas Tscheppe. Together with his colleagues from the Schmecke das Leben value community, he is at the forefront of Austrian natural wine, producing magical natural wines with captivating energy that bear names such as Blaue Libelle, Salamander or Hirschkäfer and are considered cult wines.

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From blaue libelle, salamander or segelfalter, Andreas Tscheppe's natural wines have cult status

All natural wine lovers worldwide have now fallen under Andreas Tscheppe's spell. No wonder, because it's hard to resist the fascination of a bottle of blaue libelle, salamander or segelfalter. His natural wines exude an unmistakable mystique - wonderfully Styrian and yet completely different. Within the Schmecke das Leben community of values, he is considered a gifted purist and technician who presses vinophile artifacts with great sensitivity and dedication.

Andreas Tscheppe cultivates truly magical natural wines with passion and precision that is second to none

Andreas Tscheppe cultivates terraced plots planted with Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Muskateller on the characteristic Opok soils on around 5 hectares of the Czamillonberg in southern Styria. With a special focus on biodiversity and uncompromising biodynamic cultivation, energetic natural wines are produced here that embody the essence of their terroir.

The landscape itself is a mosaic of wild herbs, flowers and a variety of insects and animals, which also adorn the artistic labels. Grape varieties are of secondary importance, as the natural wines are known by the names blue dragonfly, salamander, stag beetle, sail butterfly and vineyard snail. In the newly built cellar, Andreas even uses cool forest air to ensure optimal yeast populations and thus further enhance the quality of his wines.

To give every customer the opportunity to enjoy these wonderful wines, we have limited purchases to one bottle per customer.