
Glou Glou Wines

Glou Glou ist ein französischer Begriff und Trend in der Naturwein-Szene, der "schlürfen" bedeutet und im Beaujolais und der Loire ihren Ursprung hat. Es beschreibt süffig und animierende Naturweine mit hohem Trinkfluss. Glou Glou-Weine sind unkompliziert und haben einen niedrigen Alkoholgehalt, also perfekt zum Teilen und für größere Runden. Santé!

✔ 100% Biowein-Händler

✔ Kleine, handwerkliche Weingüter

✔ CO2-freie Lieferung in 1-3 Tagen

Wine Style
Sold out

Weißburgunder SA

winestyle-img Fresh & Juicy
Like a fruit basket of fresh fruit: From citrus to peach, apple, pear, to cherry, raspberry or plum.
114,00 kr
152,00 kr/L
Sold out

Burgunder SA

winestyle-img Fresh & Juicy
Like a fruit basket of fresh fruit: From citrus to peach, apple, pear, to cherry, raspberry or plum.
106,00 kr
141,33 kr/L

Gluegglich Weiß 2022

winestyle-img Fresh & Juicy
Like a fruit basket of fresh fruit: From citrus to peach, apple, pear, to cherry, raspberry or plum.
96,00 kr
128,00 kr/L

What do Glou Glou wines taste like?

Glou Glou wines are juicy, light and highly drinkable. They are generally fruity and easy to drink. Glou Glou wines are not about complex wines, they are produced for everyday consumption. They come without nerdy wine talk, simply pleasure. They have a low alcohol content, which makes them an ideal wine for any occasion.

Discover Glou Glou wines at Drops

At Drops you will find a large selection of Glou Glou wines. FromPinot Blanc SA from Rebenhof from Southern Styria to the quaffableMorio Muskat Orange-wein von Georg Lingenfelder. The good thing about Glou Glou wines? They are much cheaper and great fun to drink - from tooNatural wines under 15€.

What types of wines are Glou Glou?

Glou Glou wines can, in principle, be made from any grape variety. They are usually wines that are produced quickly and are not aged for a particularly long time. They can be wines of any color or petillants naturels.

The very first Natural

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